
On Saturday 04 October 2008 04:11:30 Henry W. Peters wrote:

> The
>  $ sudo vim  /etc/apt/sources.list
> command brings up the called file in the terminal window. My
> problem now is, that I cannot figure how to edit it & then save it?
> (yikes, seems like it should be so simple! & probably is :-[ ). 
> There is no save menu option in the terminal window (that I know
> of...(?)).  I did something like this before, only it called up the
> text editor (I think it was something like gedit... <something,
> something>), then saved it (this was to configure my modem when I
> first started using Ubuntu /last year/).

In vim, press 'i' to enter the "insert mode"; add the needed lines, 
return to the "command mode" by <ESC> and type ":w" to save the file.
":q" (a shortcut for ":quit") will close vim.

More simple command line editor is nano and you may try it as well.

Or just run `sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list` if you're stick to GUI.

Boomtime, Bureaucracy 58, 3174 YOLD
Alexey Beshenov http://beshenov.ru/