imaxima in emacs


My problem (and solution) is related to imaxima, but I guess the userbase for 
this program is a subset of the maxima users. I recently installed maxima, 
imaxima , breqn (all included in maxima 5.16.3) and did all the stuff to get 
maxima working 'latex style' in emacs. On my laptop this was no problem. 
However, on my pc I had some problems. Maxima works fine in emacs, but when I 
switch to imaxima and type something,

(%i1) 2;

I get the error message:

Latex error in 2

It turns out that the generated latex code is not complete. The generated 
latex code is:

% mylatex

but it does not recognize pagecolor or dmath. What is missing (at least)

After inserting this in the imaxima.el  (I don't know anything about lisp, 
btw) file above the %mylatex comment:
     "\\usepackage{color} \n"
     "\\usepackage{breqn} \n"
     "\n% mylatex \n"

the latex rendering  in emacs worked fine. 

Did other people experience this problem? 
