> Did other people experience this problem?
Since you ask, no.
I have been using imaxima exclusively for Maxima for a while now. I am
sorry to say, I have not ever observed this problem. I haven't found much
occasion to use Maxima at all as of late, so my imaxima is a bit old (it
seems to be version 1.0b and dated the 8th of June).
I believe I see the location in the code you are talking about, inside the
function IMAXIMA-TEX-TO-DVI. When I search around in the code, I see that
breqn shows up elsewhere, namely in the functions IMAXIMA-DUMP-TEX and
IMAXIMA-LATEX. I guess this is where my (modestly altered) imaxima tells
latex how to break equations. I see no mention of the color package at all
in the source.
I know this doesn't help, but I wish the best of luck,
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 4:36 AM, <N.A.Beishuizen at> wrote:
> Hello,
> My problem (and solution) is related to imaxima, but I guess the userbase
> for
> this program is a subset of the maxima users. I recently installed maxima,
> imaxima , breqn (all included in maxima 5.16.3) and did all the stuff to
> get
> maxima working 'latex style' in emacs. On my laptop this was no problem.
> However, on my pc I had some problems. Maxima works fine in emacs, but when
> I
> switch to imaxima and type something,
> (%i1) 2;
> I get the error message:
> Latex error in 2
> It turns out that the generated latex code is not complete. The generated
> latex code is:
> \documentclass[11pt,leqno]{article}
> % mylatex
> \setlength{\textwidth}{178mm}
> \begin{document}
> \pagecolor[rgb]{0.996109,0.996109,0.996109}\pagestyle{empty}
> \begin{normalsize}
> \color[rgb]{1.000000,0.000000,0.000000}\tt\begin{dmath}[number={\%o2}]
> \color[rgb]{0.000000,0.000000,0.000000}3\end{dmath}
> \end{normalsize}
> \end{document}
> but it does not recognize pagecolor or dmath. What is missing (at least)
> is
> \usepackage{breqn}
> \usepackage{color}
> After inserting this in the imaxima.el (I don't know anything about lisp,
> btw) file above the %mylatex comment:
> ...
> "\\usepackage{color} \n"
> "\\usepackage{breqn} \n"
> "\n% mylatex \n"
> the latex rendering in emacs worked fine.
> Did other people experience this problem?
> Regards,
> nijso
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