> 1. I want to solve (abs(x)=2),but the ans as follow:
> (%i9) abs(x)=2;
> (%o9) abs(x) = 2
> (%i10) solve(%);
> (%o10) [abs(x) = 2]
> there is no solve !
As far as I understood the problem with function abs in Maxima system is
that you should not use it if not really necessary.
It seems that one should always get rid of abs by some trick, e.g.
solve (x^2=2^2) instead of solve (abs(x)=2)
> 2. the print function that has "new line " (i.e skip line ) function ??
In systems like MuPad you just press [Ctrl]+[Enter].
(MuPad is a discontinued product, recently adopted by Matlab
as symbolic toolbox alternative to Matlab's Maple engine) .
I didn't found the apropriate combination of buttons under wxMaxima
interface for Win,
but you have there at the end of INPUT line two icons - the second one
does what you want
(it's a remark of my coleague R.Skiba ;)
Under XMaxima interface for Win you should use [Ctrl]+[j] instead of
[Enter] to get the desired
multiline commands effect (just found it in Xmaxima Manual ;)
Krzysztof Le`sniak (pok. E 202, Ip. tel.56 611-3420)
(e-mail: much at mat.uni.torun.pl)
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Faculty of Mathematics & Computer Science
ul. Chopina 12/18
87-100 Toru`n Poland