imaxima fpprintprec

Dear Robert san, Peter san,

Thanks for pointing out the bugs and show me the solutions for them.
I am in preparation of the next release within a day or two (namely
1.0b2). I will incorporate these two fixes.

How to use the latest mactex.lisp for imaxima is somewhat a large
issue and I will work on that after the 1.0b2.

Yasuaki Honda, Chiba, Japan

On 2008/10/27, at 14:34, Robert Dodier wrote:

> On 10/26/08, Peter A. Gustafson <peter.gustafson at> wrote:
>> As far as I can tell, imaxima doesn't obey the fpprintprec variable.
> Same basic problem as with t(s) --- divergence of Imaxima from src/ 
> mactex.lisp.
> Try this:
> (defun texnumformat(atom)
>  (let (r firstpart exponent)
>    (cond ((integerp atom)
>       atom)
>      (t
>       (setq r (exploden atom))
>       (setq exponent (member 'e r :test #'string-equal)) ;; is it  
> ddd.ddde+EE
>       (cond
>         ((null exponent)
>          (coerce r 'string))
>         (t
>          (setq firstpart
>            (nreverse (cdr (member 'e (reverse r) :test #'string- 
> equal))))
>          (strcat (apply #'strcat firstpart )
>              " \\times 10^{"
>              (apply #'strcat (cdr exponent))
>              "}")))))))
> This is slightly modified from the version in src/mactex.lisp
> (which has a minor bug from what I can tell).
> Robert Dodier
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