Compilation failure with ECL

On 11/19/08, Reinhard Oldenburg <oldenbur at> wrote:

> I compiled ECL0.9l on a Vista machine using microsoft VC Express. ECL
>  itself compiled without a problem and runs fine, but compiling maxima
>  the lispish way failed. Running configure.lisp and loading
>  maxima-build.lisp works as expected, but then...

Last time I tried it, I think I used ASDF to build Maxima.
I think (require 'asdf) (asdf::operate 'asdf:load-op 'maxima) is enough.
If you have further problems, probably you should follow up
on the ECL mailing list.

If you make some patches for or or whatever,
I would be interested to see them -- the Maxima + ECL stuff isn't finished,
I'm pretty sure.


Robert Dodier