[Maxima-commits] CVS: maxima/src simp.lisp,1.60,1.61

On 11/24/08, Viktor T. Toth <vttoth at vttoth.com> wrote:

>  Anyhow, had I realized that by making this change, I am opening such a huge
>  and unpleasant-smelling can of worms, I'd never have done it. Life is too
>  short.

No, no, don't get discouraged. Since this project doesn't have a
system to approve changes before they are made, it is to be
expected that there is sometimes some second-guessing after the fact.
We could arrange the commit system so that only approved
changes can be committed; I think that would be a waste of time.
Sometimes we might have to revert some changes (whether that
is necessary in this case is not clear yet) but that's a small price to pay.

I guess at this point the one suggestion that I'll make to everyone
is that we should try to maintain a civil and respectful tone to the
extent possible when discussing other people's work. Sometimes we
need to review or revise something but at the same time we don't
want to discourage useful contributions.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier