pw.mac version 2.4

Hi all,

Pw 2.4 has a new function called pwsimp() that can take an expression involving unit_step(), signum(), max(), min(), or abs() and 
create a list from it such that the list L will reproduce the piecewise expression, perhaps in a different form when passed as an 
argument to pw().  I have attached a file that has a few examples.

(%i1) x*signum(x)*unit_step(x-6);
(expr1) x*unit_step(x-6)*signum(x)
(%i2) pwsimp(%,x);
(expr2) [-inf,0,0,0,6,x,inf]
(%i3) pw(%,x);
(expr3) (x*signum(x-6)+x)/2

You can get it here, it requires Barton Willis's abs_integrate.mac.  There is a link on this page for both.

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