multiplots with draw

> Would it be hard to implement in draw something like  the [plot_format, 
> openmath]  which exists in plot2d and plot3d?
> These keep the windows, 

Well, if someone knows how to make this in gnuplot, I'll port the trick
to draw.

> and have some nice command options on the graph 
> canvas (like print to file --- I know this can be done in draw with  
> 'terminal=' but it is nice to have a quick version instead of having to 
> retype the command for draw.

I have uploaded to cvs a new version of draw.lisp with some new

There are three new functions: set_draw_defaults, multiplot_mode and

You can try this sample session (I know this is not exactly what you

/************ begin Maxima session **********/


/* This is new. Saves typewriting */
   xrange = [-10,10],
   yrange = [-2, 2],
   grid   = true,
   title  = "Step by step plot" )$

/* opens a new blank window. Possible arguments are: */
/*             screen, wxt, none                     */
/* note that when multiplot mode is active, terminal */
/* option is blocked.                                */

draw2d(color=blue, explicit(((1+x)**2/(1+x*x))-1,x,-10,10))$
draw2d(color=red,  explicit(((1+2*x)**2/(1+4*x*x))-1,x,-10,10))$
draw2d(color=brown,  explicit(((1+3*x)**2/(1+9*x*x))-1,x,-10,10))$
draw2d(color="#23c6fa",  explicit(((1+4*x)**2/(1+16*x*x))-1,x,-10,10))$

/* restores normal mode         */
/* and unblocks option terminal */

/* This is also new. Saves LAST image into two files */
/* Don't know how to plot all the curves present in  */
/* the window                                        */
draw_file(terminal  = png,
          file_name = "HappyNewYear") $
draw_file(terminal  = eps,
          eps_width = 5,
          eps_height = 5) $

/************ end Maxima session **********/

This was a quick coding exercise and things should be cleaned. Not yet
tested in windows. Documentation next year ...
