Problem with Maxima 5.17.1 and ECL 8.12.0

Looking at the CVS logs for src/numth.lisp and src/rat3c.lisp,
I see that the $JACOBI stuff was applied after 5.17.1 was tagged.
However those changes have been applied to both the 5.17 branch
(on Dec 21) and the main trunk (on Dec 25).

On 12/30/08, Oliver Kullmann <O.Kullmann at> wrote:

> Some more attempts:
>  Since I don't know how to update the 5.17.1-distribution
>  (it doesn't match what you find in CVS) I did the following:

I can't tell what would be the outcome of the steps which you described.
My advice is to start clean (do not try to update or modify an
existing installation) and try one of the following:

5.17 branch:

$ cvs -d<whatever> co -rRELEASE-5_17-BRANCH maxima

CVS head:

$ cvs -d<whatever> co maxima

and then

$ sh bootstrap
$ LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib ./configure --enable-ecl
$ make

It might be possible to omit LDFLAGS, I don't know.

Hope this helps,
