nary & commutative?

(%i1) nary ("foo", 100)$
(%i2) a foo c foo b;
(%o2) a foo c foo b
(%i3) declare ("foo", commutative)$
(%i4) a foo c foo b;
(%o4) a foo b foo c
(%i5) declare ("foo", nary)$
(%i6) a foo (c foo b);
(%o6) a foo c foo b

Why does declare ("foo", nary) break commutative simplification
(i.e. rearranging of the symbols)? I think Maxima should flatten 
nested expressions and then simplify (($foo) a c b) to (($foo) a b c).

Boomtime, Chaos 2 YOLD 3175
Alexey Beshenov