My $timing function...

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 1:39 AM, ?iga Lenar?i? <ziga.lenarcic at> wrote:

>> If it does get imported, it need to have a copyright (by the author)
>> and license statement (GPL with unspecified version, since that's the
>> license stated by Bill Schelter).
> These rules are not very clear to me ... If I understand correctly, $timing
> has to be put into a separate file in src with my copyright? Is it possible
> to include $timing into existing src files (next to $timer and friends)
> perhaps with a short copyright notice (if that's needed)?

I don't see a need to store $timing in a separate file in the Maxima source
code. (Although I suppose you will compose it in a file by itself and
submit that file.) If it is imported, it can be pasted verbatim into one of the
files which contains related functions. I don't see any problem with that.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier