Features; general comments... a couple suggestions..
Subject: Features; general comments... a couple suggestions..
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 23:36:57 -0700
Steve, thanks for your message. I'm glad to hear from you.
On 1/5/09, shorne at energetiq.com <shorne at energetiq.com> wrote:
> What Maxima brings to the table is explicitly _not_ numerical capabilities.
With all due respect, I think you're mistaken. Combining symbolic
and numerical functions makes Maxima much more powerful than
either capability alone.
> However, the development model for Maxima -- a sort of free-for-all
> -- is actually quite productive.
Seems to work OK in practice ... and in any event, there is nobody
here in a position to give orders.
> I claim an interesting project, for someone who has a solid
> architectural knowledge of Maxima, would be a similar build system
> -- a scheme that would permit customization and optimization for
> various levels of features, performance, memory footprint,
> and disk footprint.
I think that's a great idea. I hope someone will work on it.
> Something to get started with --
> an incomplete and (I believe) buggy version....
> I've hacked at this ovre the years, with little success..
Seems like an interesting problem -- code to solve it could be
generally useful. Keep us posted as you progress. Maybe someone
will be inspired to work on it too.
Robert Dodier