Maxima routine for False Position Method.

Hallo Alexey
I send my work on bisection metod
with Maxima 5.17.1
Best wishes.
Luigi Marino.

Enter the two block separately:
segno(x):=block([], if x=0 then return(0) else (if x>0 then return(1) else return(-1) ) )$

bisez(funz,var,a,b,eps,numiter):=block([fa,fb,fc,c,l,k], define(f(var),funz), 
fa:f(a), fb:f(b), l:abs(b-a), k:0, if segno(fa)#segno(fb) then do ( k:k+1, l:l/2.0, 
c:ev(a+(b-a)/2.0,float), fc:f(c), 
if (fc=0.0 or l<eps or k>numiter) then (print("c=",c," in ",k," iterazioni"),
return(fine)) else (if (segno(fa)*segno(fc)>0) then (a:c, fa:fc) else (b:c, fb:fc) ) ))$
