Hallo Friedrich,
I read that you are using quite old versions of both Maxima and wxMaxima. I remember that
I also had path- and plot-problems in LANs with some earlier versions, but I can't remember
which version was envolved.
I hope updating will solve your problems. E.g. on the wxMaxima webside there are links to
the debian repositories. You'll find stable (Maxima 5.13) and unstable (5.17) packages.
Beste Gr??e
Volker van Nek
Am 14 Feb 2009 um 12:11 hat Friedrich Hattendorf geschrieben:
> Hello,
> im am running wxmaxima on ltsp (linux terminal server
> project ) at home and at school.
> If I am alone, it works fine.
> But when (at school) 20 students log in and start wxmaxima:
> - for some it works
> - for some of them it is possible to calculate etc, but its
> not possible to plot
> - some get the message "couldn't connect to wxmaxima"
> (or similar; sorry, I didn't write down)
> If the last ones start maxima (Kde/konsole) they could plot
> in ascii; when I tried the same (alone) the output was with
> gnuplot
> Any idea, to fix?
> which log-file may give more information?
> Our System:
> - debian 4.0
> - kernel 2.6.24-19-xen
> - ltsp 5.1.10-1~40.etch.0
> - xen on hp proliant
> - three virtual servers ; two on the hp proliant machine;
> one on an other machine
> - Maxima 5.10.0-6
> - wxmaxima 0.7.0a-1.1
> - gnuplot 4.0.0-5
> --
> mit freundlichen Gr??en
> Friedrich Hattendorf
> ---
> Lernen ist wie das Rudern gegen den Strom;
> sobald man aufh?rt, treibt man zur?ck
> Benjamin Britten
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