Thanks to Maxima

Marco Ciampa wrote:

> OT: could you expert suggest a good math book for who, like me,
> would like to appreciate better math for, consequently, appreciate
> better maxima? :-)
> PS: IMHO it could be a good candidate for a FAQ entry...

Depending on your math sophistication level, i would suggest the following
Springer Introduction to Riemann Surfaces (Addison Wesley or Chelsea) 
as one of the most fantastic and eye opener math books.
Other great classicals are Whittaker and Watson A course of modern analysis
Cambridge, for special functions, Hardy and Wright Introduction to the
theory of numbers Oxford for arithmetics, and of course many more modern
books. You will have much fun reading the home page of Zeilberger
and in particular playing with its RENE program (named after Descartes)
which does all tricky plane geometry problems through seemingly trivial
maple programs, in the spirit of analytical geometry.

Michel Talon