Marco Ciampa wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:35:16AM +0800, Wen Xi wrote:
>> I can't help saying thanks to Maxima.
>> Whenever I am thinking about any questions related to Maths, my head first
>> is Maxima. It really helps me a lot. Express Evaluation, Numerical
>> Computation, ....
>> My work can not go on without it.
>> So, thanks to Maxima, and creators. You are all the genius.
> Before appreaciating maxima, one should appreciate math...
> OT: could you expert suggest a good math book for who, like me,
> would like to appreciate better math for, consequently, appreciate
> better maxima? :-)
There are many many areas of mathematics, so it makes a big difference
what your interests are when it comes to recommending good books.
For example, are you interested in partial differential equations,
probability, statistics, abstract algebra, number theory, topology,
dynamical systems, quantum mechanics, differential geometry... the list
goes on and on.
If you make some more specific requests, you will probably receive some
good recommendations.