Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Sorry, I understood you meant "the translation is ok".

Paulo Ney

Jorge Barros de Abreu wrote:
> "it is ok to me" means:
> your work is welcome and the translation need of you.
> do not mean:
> the translation is ended.
> On Saturday 28 March 2009 02:57:56 Paulo Ney de Souza wrote:
>> One more perl for your delight:
>>      ... gerador de n?meros rand?micos....
>> this one looses only to the celebrated translation of the Schaum Table
>> in the 80's where McGraw-Hill translated "Random Numbers" and "Chain
>> Rule" by "N?meros de Random" and "Regra de Chain" as if they were two
>> very important mathematicians!
>> Paulo Ney de Souza
>> Paulo Ney de Souza wrote:
>>> You ought to be kidding that it is okay! It is one of the worst
>>> translations I have ever seen! The two initial phrases of the
>>> translation don't even have an article! Since when do you say in
>>> Portuguese:
>>>          "Maxima ? derivado do sistema Macsyma."
>>> The correct way is to say that is "O programa Maxima ? derivado do
>>> sistema Macsyma." It looks like someone piped the English text into
>>> Google Translation and then into a speller and nothing else. If that is
>>> the drill, we probably should post Maxima documentation on all 43
>>> languages that Google offer translation on.... if it is Portuguese is
>>> probably from Goa and not Brazil.
>>> Reading a few pages  into the manual can yield quite a few perls:
>>>                   Testes que produzem a resposta desejada s?o
>>> considerados "passes,"
>>>                   n?meros de vers?o
>>> and from there it goes ...
>>> Somebody at the commit group for the sources should trow that stuff in
>>> closes trash can available.
>>> Paulo Ney de Souza
>>> Jorge Barros de Abreu wrote:
>>>> On Thursday 26 March 2009 12:57:37 Alu?sio Augusto Silva Gon?alves wrote:
>>>>> I want to help to improve the Maxima translation to Brazilian
>>>>> Portuguese.
>>>> It is ok to me.
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