Maxima Digest, Vol 33, Issue 14

2009/4/8 ?S ???? < at>:
> When I put solveradcan:true , then the source eq. 9^x-3^x-6=0 can be solved.
> but that can not be factor to (3^x-3)(3^x+2)=0

Try factor(radcan(eq)).

>  2. I think that 6^x*8^y=2^8*3^5 has infinitely many solutions.
> ans: the x and y are intergers.
> How can I solve it?

This sounds like a homework problem, so it would be wrong to deny you
the exercise of solving it yourself.

Hint: Though Maxima can't solve problems like this automatically, you
can easily set up the equations characterizing the solution and Maxima
can solve those.
