maxima-bounces at wrote on 04/07/2009 06:14:02 PM:
> I have just commited a new graphic object (mesh) for package draw. Here
> is the associated documentation:
Thanks--your code worked great.
For anybody that is interested, I appended the code I used in class
today. It does a
finite difference solution to the heat equation. Presumably, this code
shows that
stability matters. To run this code, you'll need draw.lisp from CVS.
Again, thanks for this contribution.
We'll solve the heat equation Ft = Fxx using an explicit finite
difference method and an implicit finite difference method. The
boundary conditions are
F(0,t) = 0,
F(1,t) = 0,
F(x,0) = 25 sin(pi x).
Let nx and nt be the number of spatial and temporal and spatial knots,
respectively. Let's solve the equation for t in [0, t_final]. We begin
by assigning values to nt, nx, and t_final.
nt : 75$
nx : 75$
t_final : 0.3d0$
The spatial and temporal knots are generated by the functions x_knot and
t_knot, respectively. These functions are
x_knot( i ) := float(i / nx);
t_knot( i ) := float(t_final * i / nt);
We'll save the solution in an array sol. We need to use the boundary
conditions to initialize the array sol.
array(sol, nx+1,nt+1)$
for i : 0 thru nt do (
sol[0,i] : 0.0d0,
sol[nx,i] : 0.0d0)$
for i : 1 thru nx-1 do sol[i,0] : 25.0d0 * sin(float(%pi) * x_knot( i ))$
Let dx and dt be the spatial and temporal knot spacings, respectively.
dx : 1.0d0 / nx$
dt : t_final / nt$
Let g = dt / dx^2. For stability, we need g < 1.
g : dt / (dx * dx);
Yikes! g = 22.5, so we expect the errors in the solution to grow
a : 1 - 2 * g$
We now fill in the array and plot the result
for j : 1 thru nt do (
for i : 1 thru nx-1 do (
m : j - 1,
sol[i, j] : g * (sol[i - 1, m] + sol[i + 1, m]) + a*sol[i, m]))$
For t in [0, final / 10], the solution looks OK:
color = blue,
mesh(genmatrix(sol, nx, floor(nt/10),1,1),0,0,1, t_final/10),
xlabel = "x",
ylabel = "y",
surface_hide = true)$
But for t in [0, t_final / 8], the graph starts to wiggle in a way that
doesn't match our expectation (on its own,
heat "spreads," it doesn't concentrate.)
color = blue,
mesh(genmatrix(sol, nx, floor(nt/8),1,1),0,0,1, t_final/8),
xlabel = "x",
ylabel = "y",
surface_hide = true)$
Let's try the implicit method. First, we'll set up the coefficient matrix
and compute its LU factorization.
for i : 0 thru nt do (
sol[0,i] : 0.0d0,
sol[nx,i] : 0.0d0)$
for i : 1 thru nx-1 do (
sol[i,0] : 25.0d0 * sin(float(%pi) * x_knot( i )))$
for i : 1 thru nx do ( for j : 1 thru nx do (
mm[i, j ] : 0.0d0))$
a : 1 + 2*g;
for i : 1 thru nx do mm[i , i] : a$
for i : 2 thru nx do (
mm[i,i-1] : -g,
mm[i-1,i] : -g)$
mmm : genmatrix(mm, nx,nx)$
mmm : lu_factor(mmm, 'floatfield)$
array(b, nx,1)$
for j : 1 thru nt do (
for i : 1 thru nx do (
b[ i,1 ] : sol[i,j-1]),
b[1,1] : b[1,1] + g * sol[0,j],
b[nx,1] : b[nx,1] + g * sol[nx,j],
bb : genmatrix(b, nx,1),
bb : lu_backsub(mmm, bb),
for i : 1 thru nx do (
sol[i, j] : bb[ i, 1]))$
We win! For a fixed space point, the temperature steadily declines with
increasing time. This matches our
expectations. The moral is: more work better results (well, not always :)
color = blue,
mesh(genmatrix(sol, nx, nt,1,1),0,0,1, t_final),
xlabel = "x",
ylabel = "y",
surface_hide = true)$