On 2009-04-19 18:02 +0100, Rupert Swarbrick wrote:
> No, I don't see this. I was worried that I'd forgotten some
> customisation, I'd done, but have just done some testing with emacs -Q
> etc. and it seems to work.
> It's very strange that your setup seems to be starting maxima's (run)
> function: personally, running the command 'sbcl --core maxima.core'
> pulls up a standard SBCL repl which only brings up the maxima repl upon
> calling (run) myself. Do you have a different behaviour? (this seems
> odd!)
> Anyway, the unpleasant looking errors above are due to maxima itself
> being started before the commands to load swank (in lisp) get piped to
> it. Unsurprisingly, maxima is not impressed by this torrent of text in a
> strange language!
With some help from #lisp, I have successfully run sbcl with
maxima.core. Apparently I need to set SBCL_HOME otherwise slime will fail.
.: Leo :. [ sdl.web AT gmail.com ] .: I use Emacs :.
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