Is your equation missing a * between Rs and (rho_c ? If so, maybe your
equation has a (messy) solution
that involves the Lambert W function. Maxima doesn't have an equation
solver that handles such equations
all that well. I suggest that you solve the equation numerically --- try
mnewton or friends.
maxima-bounces at wrote on 04/27/2009 07:18:55 AM:
> Hi,
> I would like to solve an equation with maximas's solve-function. The
> is that it is an implicit function and the solve-function give no
> result. How can I
> solve this Problem.
> (%i1) eqn3: 1/w*sqrt(Rs(rho_c+0.2*Rs*h^2))*coth(sqrt(Rs/(rho_c+0.
> 2*Rs*h^2))*d)-Rc;
> (%i2) Rs: 2.53;
> (%i3) Rc: 0.395;
> (%i4) h: 1.4e-6;
> (%i5) d: 49e-6;
> (%i6) w: 100e-6;
> (%i7) solve(eqn3,rho_c);