solve implicit function

lars b?ttcher <lars-boettcher at> writes:

> Hi,
> I would like to solve an equation with maximas's solve-function. The problem 
> is that it is an implicit function and the solve-function give no result. How can I 
> solve this Problem. 
> (%i1)  eqn3: 1/w*sqrt(Rs(rho_c+0.2*Rs*h^2))*coth(sqrt(Rs/(rho_c+0.2*Rs*h^2))*d)-Rc;
> (%i2) Rs: 2.53;
> (%i3) Rc: 0.395;
> (%i4) h: 1.4e-6;
> (%i5) d: 49e-6;
> (%i6) w: 100e-6;
> (%i7) solve(eqn3,rho_c);

Differentiating eqn3, I convinced myself that there was only one root (I
think the function is increasing).

Then have another look at the equation. You'd be done if you could find
rho_c+0.2*Rs*h^2, which appears twice in the equation.

So let's substitute in a name for that:

(%i1) eqn3: 1/w*sqrt(Rs*(rho_c+Rs*h^2/5))*coth(sqrt(Rs/(rho_c+Rs*h^2/5))*d)-Rc;
                    h  Rs                            Rs
           sqrt(Rs (----- + rho_c)) coth(d sqrt(-------------))
                      5                          2
                                                h  Rs
                                                ----- + rho_c
(%o1)      ---------------------------------------------------- - Rc
(%i2) tau: sqrt(rho_c+Rs*h^2/5);
                                   h  Rs
(%o2)                         sqrt(----- + rho_c)
(%i3) ratsubst('tau^2, tau^2, eqn3);
                                                  d sqrt(Rs)
                    Rc w - sqrt(Rs) abs(tau) coth(----------)
(%o3)             - -----------------------------------------

This already looks rather more feasible. After a bit of rearrangement
(or just typing it in), you get that tau solves this equation if

                                   d sqrt(Rs)      Rc w
(%o7)                abs(tau) coth(----------) = --------
                                    abs(tau)     sqrt(Rs)

I can't see a way to get an analytical solution here: exponentialising
doesn't seem to help because you end up with both exponentials from the
coth and the non-exponential terms from the abs(tau).

Now, since you're doing this with concrete numbers anyway, it doesn't
really matter if we numerically find a root. So, put in the values of
the constants (and lets get rid of the abs(tau) nonsense: I know that
tau is real and positive).

(%i20) subst([Rs = 2.53, d = 49e-6, w = 100e-6, Rc = 0.395], %o7);
(%o20)    abs(tau) coth(--------------------) = 2.4833437231746297e-5
(%i21) subst(x,abs('tau),%);
(%o21)       coth(--------------------) x = 2.4833437231746297e-5

(here I realise that I shouldn't have actually bound a value to tau. Ho
hum, I'll just cheat and call it something else). I'll use the mnewton
package to find the root.

(%i27) load("mnewton")$
(%i28) mnewton([%o22],[x],[1]);
(%o28)                   [[x = 2.4742405969463985e-5]]


(%i32) tau = rhs(first(first(%o28))), Rs=2.53, h=1.4e-6;
(%o32)    sqrt(rho_c + 9.917599999999998e-13) = 2.4742405969463985e-5


(%i35) allroots(%o32^2);
(%o35)                  [rho_c = 6.111948931577672e-10]

Tada! (Note you don't use solve here, since that would replace our
inexact floating point values with rational approximations, which
doesn't make sense).

Exercise for reader: do it again with interval arithmetic and find
bounds for rho_c given bounds on the physical constants you're putting
in. I mean, how accurate is this answer?

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