Subject: Maxima by Example: Ch. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
From: Dave Feustel
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 14:59:30 -0500
Hi Edwim,
I did not intend to post any more remarks about this topic since
there seems to be no perceptible interest in verifying Evans'
work using Maxima. Instead, I am pursuing my own little
investigation using Maple 12 and a Verrry interrrestink Maple
addon called Atlas, available from
I would like to point out that Bruhn and several others have been under
international investigation for aggravated criminal harrassment of Dr
Evans and usurpation of Dr. Evans' mailing lists for spamming. Formal
complaints have been raised with authorities in England, America, and
several European Countries. Official warnings and cautions have been
sent to Bruhn and others. Criminal Charges are possibly pending. Dr.
Evans has been subject for YEARS to sustained abuse from Bruhn and
others, the like of which I had not previously encountered in an
academic setting. I would not make use of Bruhn as a critic of Dr. Evans
since Bruhn (and his buddies as well) has clearly demonstrated that he
is a low-life (IMHO). Note also that Springer dishonored a signed
contract with Dr. Evans regarding publishing of at least one of Evans'
books. Note also that Evans has been repeatedly denied the right of
reply by 'reputable' journals to (incompetent) criticism of his theories
published in those journals. The treatment of Dr. Evans by the physics
establishment is quite reminiscent of the despicable treatment of
Immanuel Velikovsky by physicists last century. Velikovsky is having the
last laugh, though. I have great admiration for Dr. Evans both because
I believe his ECE theory is a landmark in GR and also because of the way
Dr. Evans is overcoming the calummy to which he has been unfairly
subjected. I fully expect Dr. Evans to receive a Nobel Prize at some
point. I apologise for running on.
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 12:05:05PM -0700, Edwin Woollett wrote:
> On 29 Apr 2009, Dave Feustel wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------
> Have you thought about including a chapter on tensor calculus and
> differential geometry with reference to General Relativity?
> ----------------------------------------------
> Hi Dave,
> I have thought of writing such a chapter, but not in this
> series of tutorials for the beginning serious user of Maxima.
> Maxima needs more intelligent discussions of both math and
> science topics, with enough quality and depth to attract the
> attention of college instructors.
> I initially wrote several chapters around the focus of
> computational physics, but when I saw the kinds of
> questions appearing on the Mailing List, I realised that
> a general introduction to the use of Maxima would be
> much more helpful, and would also encourage me to learn
> more about the subtleties of Maxima.
> I still have a part of my brain thinking about another
> series of chapters, for another "book", concentrating
> on physics, which happens to be what I am most
> familiar with.
> I taught general relativity for beginners
> (using Bernard Schutz: A First Course in General
> Relativity) and cosmology for beginners (at the
> level of J. N. Islam: An Introduction to Mathematical
> Cosmology) for a mixture of physics seniors and
> graduate students at Cal. State, Long Beach.
> (But most of my teaching experience was with
> plasma physics, astrophysics, and elementary
> particle phenomenology.)
> I am sure there are both lurkers and active participants
> who are better qualified to write a good technical
> introduction to both differential geometry and
> general relativity (with Maxima embedded) than yours truly.
> As to Myron Evans "Grand Covariant Unified
> Field Theory (GCUFT)", a quick google brought
> up an apparently serious critic who (with colleagues)
> has lavished time and energy on refuting this theory:
> Gerhard W. Bruhn, Department of Mathematics,
> Darmstadt University of Technology,
> see the page:
> and also the short pdf file," Some fatal shortcomings
> of the ECE theory":
> A Feb. 08 posting by Bruhn on the
> preprint site for physics and math is:
> ------------------------------------------------
> arXiv:0705.3030
> The Evans Lemma of Differential Geometry
> February 1, 2008
> Abstract:
> The Evans Lemma is a basic tool for Evans GCUFT or ECE Theory [2].
> Evans has given two proofs of his Lemma. The first proof in [1] is shown to
> be invalid due to dubious use of the covariant derivative D?. A second proof
> in [2, Sec.J.3] is wrong due to a logical error.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ted Woollett