problem with integrate_uses_rootsof



Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
 Error in PROGN [or a callee]: Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged]
Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

Note that it works for a=2.

A fix would be to change it to  1/a*integrate(1/(x^5+x*b+b,x)
where b = 1/a.

There may be a deeper problem in that in integration and probably other 
parts of the system
we may want to deal with polynomials p(x) with rational function 
coefficients in other variables,

I'm using Maxima version 5.17.0

For a=2 we encounter expressing a form in terms of roots of a non-monic 
This probably is something that should be avoided, though Mathematica 
6.0 does the same.