Find maximum, minimum point(s) of function in Maxima.
Subject: Find maximum, minimum point(s) of function in Maxima.
From: Wolfgang Lindner
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 19:22:09 -0000
dear Renan,
to help you start using maxima for your work,
here is the skeleton of a traditional function 'diskussion'.
Please, remember the paedagiical words of RJF.
Please look at the online tutoriums e.g. Ted Woollett's homepage.
Read A. Ben-Israel et al: Computer-Supported Calculus. ISBN 3-211-82924-5
f(x) := (x + 1)^2 +2 $
f1: diff( f(x),x,1); /* first derivative */
f2: diff( f(x),x,2);
cr: solve( ev(f1,diff), x); /* CRitical points */
for s in cr do (
mn: subst(s, f2),
de: signum(mn),
if de > 0
then if mn > 0
then print("lokal minimum at ", s)
else print("lokal maximum at ", s)
else if de < 0
then print("saddle point at ", s)
else print("Signum zero at ", s) ) ;
explicit(f(x), x,-3,3),
point_size = 2, color = red, point_type = filled_circle,
points([ [-1,f(-1)]]))$
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Renan Birck <renan.dream at>
An: maxima at <maxima at>
Datum: Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2009 20:21
Betreff: [Maxima] Find maximum, minimum point(s) of function in Maxima.
Hello and sorry if this is a newbie question but I couldn't find any
answers on Google or reading the manual.
I would like to know how to find the maximum and minimum points of a
given function using Maxima. I'm starting on calculus and this is
currently very important for my studies.
Renan Birck |
Santa Maria (RS) |
Eng. El??trica - UFSM | LRU #390969 - Arch Linux x86_64
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