On Thu, 7 May 2009, Leo Butler wrote
( in thread Re: [Maxima] Allroot function problem ) :
Thanks, I should have written `reset(); kill(all);' to achieve an
approximately clean slate.
The use of reset( )$ will change the values
of maxima_userdir, maxima_tempdir, and
file_search_maxima to the default values, overriding
values set in your maxima-init.mac startup file.
My current solution to a " clean slate " is to define a function
mstate( ) which prints out functions, values, arrays, facts(),
myoptions, labels, and the value of fpprintprec,
and a function mkill( ) (see below) which produces
a "clean slate" except for these two functions.
Both of these functions are defined in the file mstate.mac,
which is loaded at startup via maxima-init.mac. Then I can
invoke mstate( )$ anytime to review the "current state"
of Maxima, and use mkill( )$ to produce a "clean slate"
which still has the two functions remaining.
Here is my file mstate.mac:
/* file mstate.mac */
disp(" mkill( ), mstate( ) " )$
mstate( ) :=
print(" functions = ", functions),
print(" values = ", values),
print(" arrays = ", arrays),
print(" facts( ) = ", facts( ) ),
print(" myoptions = ", myoptions),
print(" labels = ", labels),
print(" fpprintprec = ", fpprintprec ) )$
mkill() := ( kill ( all ), fpprintprec : 0,
load (mstate), print (" clean start"))$
Here is my maxima-init.mac startup file :
maxima_userdir: "c:/work2" $
maxima_tempdir : "c:/work2"$
file_search_maxima :
append ( ["c:/work2/###.{mac,mc}"], file_search_maxima )$
disp("hello ted")$
Here is an example of startup, and
use of mstate( ) and mkill( ) :
Maxima 5.18.1 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
Using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.8 (aka GCL)
(%i1) mstate( )$
functions = [mstate( ), mkill( )]
values = [ ]
arrays = [ ]
facts() = [ ]
myoptions = [maxima_userdir, maxima_tempdir, file_search_maxima]
labels = [%i1]
fpprintprec = 0
(%i2) maxima_userdir;
(%o2) c:/work2
(%i3) load ( qfft );
(%o3) c:/work2/qfft.mac
(%i4) mstate( )$
functions = [mstate( ), mkill( ), qfft_syntax( ), chop_syntax( ),
current_small( ), setsmall(val), _chop%(ex), fchop(expr),
fchop1(expr, small), nyquist(ns, fs),
sample(expr, var, ns, dvar), vf(flist, dvar),
sample_plot(expr, var, vmax, ymin, ymax, flist, dvar, psize),
sample_plot_eps(expr, var, vmax, ymin, ymax, flist, dvar, psize, fname),
_fabs%(e), pwr_of_2(ns), qfft(flist), qift(glist), kg(glist),
flines(flist, nlw, ymax, [klim]),
glines(glist, nlw, ymax, [klim]),
glines_eps(glist, nlw, fld, ymax, fname, [klim]),
flines_eps(flist, nlw, fld, ymax, fname, [klim]),
kgpoints(kglist, psize, ymax, [klim]),
kgpoints_eps(kglist, psize, ymax, fname, [klim]), kg_np(glist),
_sshort%(mysum), _lshort%(alist), short ( expr ),
browse( [v] ), nonzero(alist), absmax(alist), maglist(alist,
values = [_small%]
arrays = []
facts() = []
myoptions = [maxima_userdir, maxima_tempdir, file_search_maxima,
labels = [%i4, %o3, %i3, %o2, %i2, %o1, %i1]
fpprintprec = 5
(%i5) mkill( )$
mkill(), mstate()
clean start
(%i1) mstate()$
functions = [mstate( ), mkill ( )]
values = [ ]
arrays = [ ]
facts( ) = [ ]
myoptions = [maxima_userdir, maxima_tempdir, file_search_maxima,
labels = [%i1, %o0]
fpprintprec = 0
Note that the assignment: fpprintprec : 5$ appears as a
binding in qfft.mac (ch. 11 fast fourier transform
package) and kill(all) does not restore the default
value of fpprintprec. (Is there some other way?)
Ted Woollett