reyssat wrote:
> Raymond Toy a ?crit :
>> If all the coefficients are real, allroots takes advantage of that and
>> uses a real-valued algorithm so that conjugate pairs of roots are truly
>> conjugates. If any coefficient is complex, then a complex-valued
>> algorithm is used. Hence the roots can be different. (I think
>> sometimes they can be VERY different.)
>> Ray
> Yes they can be very different just because the roots may depend
> critically on the coefficients, so any small rounding error on the
> coefficients implies a big error on the roots. Try for instance
> P:product(x-i,i,1,23); allroots(P); allroots(%i*P);
> and look at the roots around 15 to 18 : they are far from integers,
> even from real numbers (and allroots(P) finds conjugate pairs !).
> Replacing 23 by 24 is even worse, and 25 (and higher) is beyond the
> possibilities of allroots.
> Is there a way to increase the precision of these computations using
> bfloats with allroots ?
Use bfallroots.