I get the plot ok, but when I close the
plot window, the cursor sits at the end
of the dollar sign and I don't get a new
(%i1) display2d:false$
(%i2) de : x^2*y*'diff(y,x) - x*y^2 - x^3 + 1;
(%o2) x^2*y*'diff(y,x,1)-x*y^2-x^3+1
(%i3) gsoln : ode2(de,y,x);
(%o3) (3*x*y^2-6*x^3*log(x)-2)/(6*x^3) = %c
(%i4) ic1(gsoln,x=1,y=1);
(%o4) (3*x*y^2-6*x^3*log(x)-2)/(6*x^3) = 1/6
(%i5) ylist: map('rhs, solve(%,y) );
(%i6) (y1 : first(ylist),y2 : second(ylist))$
(%i7) plot2d([y1,y2],[x,0.01,5],
[ylabel, " Y "], [xlabel," X "] ,
[legend,"Y1", "Y2"] )$
Is there something wrong with my
plot2d syntax?
Ted Woollett
windows xp, max 5.18.1