El mar, 26-05-2009 a las 16:34 -0700, Edwin Woollett escribi?:
> I get the plot ok, but when I close the
> plot window, the cursor sits at the end
> of the dollar sign and I don't get a new
> prompt.
> -------------------------
> (%i1) display2d:false$
> (%i2) de : x^2*y*'diff(y,x) - x*y^2 - x^3 + 1;
> (%o2) x^2*y*'diff(y,x,1)-x*y^2-x^3+1
> (%i3) gsoln : ode2(de,y,x);
> (%o3) (3*x*y^2-6*x^3*log(x)-2)/(6*x^3) = %c
> (%i4) ic1(gsoln,x=1,y=1);
> (%o4) (3*x*y^2-6*x^3*log(x)-2)/(6*x^3) = 1/6
> (%i5) ylist: map('rhs, solve(%,y) );
> (%o5)
> [-sqrt(6*x^2*log(x)+x^2+2/x)/sqrt(3),sqrt(6*x^2*log(x)+x^2+2/x)/sqrt(3)]
> (%i6) (y1 : first(ylist),y2 : second(ylist))$
> (%i7) plot2d([y1,y2],[x,0.01,5],
> [style,[lines,5,1],[lines,5,2]],
> [ylabel, " Y "], [xlabel," X "] ,
> [legend,"Y1", "Y2"] )$
> ===============
> Is there something wrong with my
> plot2d syntax?
Your example worked fine for me, both in Linux and Windows.
I've encountered this situation before, but hitting one of the cursor
keys makes the prompt to appear again.