Simple Question

On 6/2/09, dmcomer at <dmcomer at> wrote:

> I recently upgraded from the 5.16.x series (Windows/XP) to the 5.18 (via
> 5.17). I noticed that the input command window no longer appears as was the
> case in 5.16.x. Instead, there is a red marker that expands as you enter
> <CR><LF>. I assume this is a new command entry method? If I simply enter
> "integrate(cos(x),x);<CR><LF>", for example, how does one terminate the
> input and have Maxima execute?

I think you have to type shift-enter or ctrl-enter in order to get Maxima to
digest the input. If you just type enter you get another line to type on.

This behavior was recently introduced in the wxMaxima user interface.
Maybe wxMaxima should somehow help users understand how to type
stuff. Bear in mind wxMaxima is a separate project from Maxima.


Robert Dodier