Figuring out stuff like this often requires that you look at the numbers
in the radix representation in which the calculations
are done.
fpprec is a number which is converted to an (over) estimate of the
number of BINARY bits required in the fraction part of a bfloat.
thus fpprec:32 (decimal places) is really 109 bits. (try
this: fpprec:32; ?fpprec;)
the maxima variable $fpprec is what is set to 32. the lisp variable
fpprec is set to 109.
The rounding for bfloats is done according to the round-to-nearest rule
for IEEE floats. Maybe that is the answer you want.
This rounding probably doubles or even quadruples the time taken for the
basic arithmetic operation.
Sheldon Newhouse wrote:
> I was looking at some of W. Kahan's papers on round-off errors and
> found the following test for estimation of the roundoff error in a computer.
> In some notes on his web page entitled
> "OLD Notes on Errors and Equation-Solving"
> he states the following
> If y fop z denotes the floating point representation of the mathematical
> operation y op z where
> op is one of +,-,*,/, then
> y fop z = (y op z)/(1-a)
> where
> abs(a) < abs( ( ((4.0/3.0 rounded) - 1.0)*3.0 - 1.0 )
> There is a difference between the stated estimate for standard double
> precision and the output using 'bfloat'.
> Kahan mentions that his estimate is an over-estimataion, so there is no
> contradiction.
> My question is whether the computed outcome with 'bfloat' is also a
> correct upper estimate for 'a'. Note: I did not check the mathematics
> involved. I thought someone (maybe RJF) would know the answer immediately.
> Here are some outputs (maxima 5.18.1 with cmucl).
> (%i5) fpprec;
> (%o5) 16
> (%i6) abs(((4.0/3.0) - 1.0)*3.0 -1.0);
> (%o6) 2.220446049250313e-16
> Here is the computation using 'bfloats'.
> (%i7) abs(((bfloat(4.0)/bfloat(3.0)) - bfloat(1.0))*bfloat(3.0)
> -bfloat(1.0));
> (%o7) 2.775557561562891b-17
> Is this smaller number an accurate estimate ?
> More generally, does the method produce valid estimations for any
> precision?
> In particular, are the following upper bounds valid?
> %i10) fpprec: 32;
> (%o10) 32
> (%i11) abs(((bfloat(4.0)/bfloat(3.0)) - bfloat(1.0))*bfloat(3.0)
> -bfloat(1.0));
> (%o11) 3.0814879110195773648895647081359b-33
> (%i12) fpprec: 64;
> (%o12) 64
> (%i13) abs(((bfloat(4.0)/bfloat(3.0)) - bfloat(1.0))*bfloat(3.0)
> -bfloat(1.0));
> (%o13) 3.798227098303919498989296907824782861688386333447977986511911996b-65
> TIA,
> -sen
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