As an alternative to abs((((4.0/3.0 rounded) - 1.0)*3.0 - 1.0), you
can use the functions in floatproperties:
(%i44) load("floatproperties")$
(%i48) bigfloat_eps(), fpprec : 42;
(%o48) 1.79366203433576585078237386661109264803874b-43
(%i97) fpprec : 17;
(%o97) 17
(%i98) ?fpprec;
(%o98) 59
I'm not positive, but I think bigfloat_eps() returns the least
positive number such that 1 + x # 1:
(%i102) rationalize(1 + bigfloat_eps());
(%o102) 288230376151711745/288230376151711744
(%i103) rationalize(1 + bigfloat_eps() * (9/10));
(%o103) 1
The number of bits in the fractional part of a big float is ?fpprec - 1;
and bigfloat_eps() is a tad larger than 1/2^?fpprec:
(%i109) is(rationalize(0.5b0^59 < bigfloat_eps()));
(%o109) true
For round to even, bigfloat_eps() might be a tad larger than needed
for y fop z = (y op z)/(1-a), |a| < bigfloat_eps(). But I've never
been certain about that.
If you are trying to prove theorems using float point numbers, such
things matter, but for most work, I think the different definitions of
the machine epsilon (or unit roundoff) don't matter all that much. I
have a hunk of code that uses the bounds for the relative difference
between y fop z and y op z 100s or 1000s times. After a few 100 over
estimations, the bounds are all way too big (well almost always)
-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----
>To:?"maxima at"?<maxima at>
>From:?Sheldon?Newhouse?<sen1 at>
>Sent?by:?maxima-bounces at
>Maxima at