
Sheldon Newhouse wrote:
> Rat[(1+x)^ + 1]
>  did work.
> How can I find out what commands have already been implemented? 
There is a paper on this somewhere, but the command that are implemented 
depend on how many of the libraries are loaded.
I think there is a bigfloat implementation.

> For instance,  the function N[\cdot] does not seem to work.  Also, 
> floating point numbers can't be handled (or I don't know how to do it).
> In[30] := Log[2]
> OUT[30] = 0.69314718055994529
> In[31] := Log[2 + 1/100]
> OUT[31] = 0.69813472207098426
> In[32] := Log[2.1]
> OUT[32] = LOG[2.1/10]
> In[33] := N[2.1]
> OUT[33] = N[2.1/10]
> In[34] := 2 + 1/10;
> In[35] := 2.1;
> In[36] := 2 + 0.1
> OUT[36] = 2 + 0.1/10
> In[37] := Log[%]
> OUT[37] = LOG[2 + 0.1/10]
> In[38] := 2 + 1/10;
> In[39] := x=2
apparently  SET has been left out.  It should be there.  perhaps a 
spelling conflict because there is a set in common lisp, and GCL didn't 
distinguish between Set and set.