Mockmma and wxMaxima

Mockmma (a Mathematica command line in Maxima) now maintains case sensitivity (thanks to Richard), loads more easily with a relative pathname, and has a crude integration with wxMaxima. I need some help making this usable.

To install, put the mockmma directory under share. To load, in wxMaxima use the command load("mockmma/init2.lisp") and to run ":lisp (tl)". Now for the crude part: if you want to see your output, put a "$" at the end. So for instance "4 t $" returns "Out[1]:= (Times 4 t $)". What I need help with is getting the output to display without the $ sign, and rewriting wxmathml.lisp to render (Times 4 t) as 4*t and so on. 

The XML markup to identify the In[1]:= prompt to wxMaxima is achieved with the code suggested by Andre in eval.lisp:

	  (when (find-package :maxima)
		(setq mmaprefix maxima::*prompt-prefix*)
		(setq mmasuffix maxima::*prompt-suffix*))
            (format t "~%~aIn[~s]:= ~a" mmaprefix COUNT mmasuffix)  

The output lines with XML markup are for the time being produced by the crude function in pf.lisp: 

(defun dispwx (hs) 
  (format t "<mth><lbl>Out[~a]:= </lbl><n>~a</n></mth>"  (nth 1 (nth 1 hs)) (nth 2 hs)) )
