Maxima 5.19.2 release

On 8/31/09, andre maute <andre.maute at> wrote:

> Couldn't someone (a script?) always upload a gzipped diff-file
> along the latest maxima-XX.YY.ZZ.tar.gz and it's predecessor?

You can already get exactly that information from CVS.

In a Maxima CVS sandbox,

cvs -z3 diff -u -r version-5_19_1 -r version-5_19_2

You can create the sandbox by

cvs -z3 -d $CVSROOT co maxima

where CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at

I'm guessing what you want is to get the source code for a
particular version without downloading all of it. If so then you
can just

cvs -z3 up -dP -r <whatever-version>

in an existing sandbox.

The -zN option for cvs tells it to use gzip compression level N when
downloading stuff.


Robert Dodier