?iga Lenar?i? wrote:
>> I did try ecl (0.8.x). Maxima's fft is about 1.5x slower than bordeaux
>> fft, FWIW, and about 10 times slower than cmucl on the same machine.
>> Ray
> After some tests I think Maxima's fft (internal) is fine. I think most
> of the time is spent in data conversion anyway (in my version too).
I will try to take a look at this.
> I'm concerned about the speed of fft on GCL - particularly, does GCL
> (on windows) compile the code that is loaded with 'load(fft);' in
> Maxima? Otherwise all 'optimizations' are rather pointless for the 90%
> of userbase that runs GCL on Windows.
load does not normally compile anything. So it will be rather slow.