
?iga Lenar?i? wrote:
> The contents of sloop.lisp in src is :
> (in-package :cl-sloop)
> (defmacro sloop (&rest body) `(loop , at body))
> So 'sloop' is the same 'loop' which is in cl hyperspec. I guess sloop  
> used to be something different until GCL got proper 'loop'  
> implementation (or something like that)..
> So it will work correctly if you put 'loop' instead of 'sloop'  
> because that's how 'sloop' is currently defined.
> It wouldn't change or break anything.
Normally, I would say if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  IIRC, sloop was
very subtly different from ANSI loop, so it's not clear if changing
sloop to loop is harmless.

>From what you way, nowhere in src is sloop still used, but's still used
in the share packages.  Since I consider the share packages as (very
useful) add-ons contributed by users, I would say it's up to the
contributors to update their code appropriately if they so desire.

It's really harmless for us to keep sloop around.
