Thanks a lot for you tip on plotting severeal curves with a loop at
f(n) := block(
[curves : [], i],
for i:1 thru n do curves : cons(x^i, curves),
plot2d(curves, [x,-1,1])
It helped me already a lot, but I have a question in order to understand
what's going on.
Why the statement with i in:
[curves : [], i],
it works also with just:
curves : [],
which creates an empty list. What is it good for to add the ", i]" ?
many thanks in advance,
A.Univ.Prof. Dr. Gerhard Brunthaler /
Institut fuer Halbleiterphysik / Phone: +43-(0)732-2468-9603
Johannes Kepler Universitaet / Fax: +43-(0)732-2468-8650
Altenbergerstr. 69 / mail: Gerhard.Brunthaler at
A-4040 Linz / home:
Austria /