On Seg, 2009-09-21 at 19:10 +0100, Leo Butler wrote:
> For example, the
> first screenshot is of a Mobius band, with some shading, in an xmaxima
> window. The second screen shot is similar.
> I don't know how to make graphs in xmaxima appear inline, and I don't
> know how to get the coloring in those plots (the pm3d terminal
> produces
> a more gaudy coloring which makes the 3d aspect more difficult to see,
> in my eyes).
Oh, then the answer is even simpler:
In the "Options" menu of xmaxima, select "Plot Windows" -> "Embedded"
That will switch automatically from gnuplot to openmath which has that
nicer 3D shading.
Next, enter the following two commands in Xmaxima:
plot3d([cos(x)*(3+y*cos(x/2)), sin(x)*(3+y*cos(x/2)), y*sin(x/2)],
Adjust the size and aspect raito of the window (you can move the bar
that separates the commands region from the browser region). You can
also rotate the plot with the mouse. There will also be a menu in each
embedded plot, which did not exist in the ancient version of Openmath
used to make those screenshots.
The command to plot the Moebius band and others can be found in a file
plotmaxima.html which is distributed with Maxima's html documentation,
inside an xmaxima subdirectory.