Egon Markin wrote:
> Hello,
> I wanted to use Maxima to so me some calculations.
> In " subst(h,s, eq11); "
> a substitution is done,
> but this substitution does not stay really.
> When giving me the answer (%o8) ,
> the variable s occurs again, though in (%o7)
> the result is as expected.
> Thanks in advance
> Egon
> (%i2) [globalsolve: true, programmode: true];
> eq10: c= h*l1/2 + (h+h2)*(l-l1)/2;
> linsolve(eq10,[h]);
> eq11: 0=-s/l1 - (s-h2)/l2;
> [globalsolve: true, programmode: true];
> subst(h,s, eq11);
This just does the substitution for eq11. It doesn't actually modify
eq11. If you want that, then say so:
eq11 : subst(h,s, eq11);
Does this do what you expect now?