how to get rid of 'abs(x) = ' in abs return value?

Dear list!
I need to solve an equation and display roots only if they're less
than 1.0 by absolute value. But if I'm trying to calculate absolute
value of roots the result is string like 'abs(x) = ...' Here's an
(%i1) eqn: (1 + 2*x)^3 = 13.5*(1 + x^5);
                                   3          5
(%o1)                     (2 x + 1)  = 13.5 (x  + 1)
(%i2) soln: allroots (eqn);
(%o2) [x = .8296749902129361, x = - 1.015755543828121,
x = .9659625152196369 %i - .4069597231924075,
x = - .9659625152196369 %i - .4069597231924075, x = 1.0]
(%i3) for x in soln do if abs(x) <= 1.0 then print(abs(x));
(%o3)                                done

See, it's not working. So, how to obtain values of roots?
Thank you!
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