output multiple numbers on the same line

is it possible to get an output like a table.

e.g.: I have 4 functions fa(x), fb(x), fc(x), fd(x)

now i want an output like

fa(0.05)            fb(0.05)               fc(0.05)             fd(0.05)
fa(0.10)            fb(0.10)               fc(0.10)             fd(0.10)
fa(0.15)            fb(0.15)               fc(0.15)             fd(0.15)
fa(0.20)            fb(0.20)               fc(0.20)             fd(0.20)

the comma should be in a vertical line.

it would be possible to do it with

for m:1 thru 4 do print(" " ,float(fa(0.05*m)), " " ,
float(fb(0.05*m)) , " " , float(fc(0.05*m)), " " , float(fd(0.05*m)))$

but then i dont have the results in a vertical line.

is there some function to do this?