maxima and clozure-cl


It seems the best free CL for OSX is ccl?. SBCL is good but it does not
support thread well. So today I compiled maxima 5.20.1 with ccl and it
went smoothly. I also ran the testsuite and got only two warnings:

;Compiler warnings for "/usr/local/opensource/maxima-5.20.1/share/maxima/5.20.1/share/linearalgebra/linalg-extra.lisp:
;   In $VANDERMONDE_MATRIX: IGNORE declaration for unknown variable LK
;Compiler warnings for "/usr/local/opensource/maxima-5.20.1/share/maxima/5.20.1/share/linearalgebra/linalg-extra.lisp":
;   In $VANDERMONDE_MATRIX: Unused lexical variable LK56/56 tests passed.

No unexpected errors found.

However, I have the following in ccl's init script:

| (require 'asdf)
| (pushnew "ccl:tools;asdf-install;" asdf:*central-registry*)
| (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'asdf-install)
| (pushnew "home:.ccl;systems;" asdf:*central-registry*)
| (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :swank)
| (swank:create-server :dont-close t)

and this stops maxima from starting. Any idea how to fix this? Thank you.

