???? ?????? wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I am novice in using Maxima CAS, so I have numerous questions. Here are three of these. May be, you'll be so kind to answer me.
In the future you could provide a subject line that is more useful.
I also suggest you read tutorials before asking basic questions.
> 1. What is the way to obtain the list of digits of an integer? In Mathematica, I simply write IntegerDigits[number].
There may be other ways of doing this, but for radix=base, try
digs(z,base):=if z=0 then [] else
which will give you the digits of a positive integer in reverse order.
reverse(digs(123,10)) gives you the list [1, 2,3]
> 2. What is a way to define a function that will memorise its values?
define f[x]:= ... instead of f(x):= ...
> 3. How can I get the value of the derivative of a given function? In Mathematica, I can use f'[x] instead of D[f[x],x].
why not use diff(f(x),x)? Are you saying that you must use ' ??