The equation I try to solve is the final step in the solution of a nonlinear ode. The solution in the paper
(of Cheb-Terrab and Kolokolnikov, it's on ArXiv) is given in implicit form as:
sol : x + 1/(3*x^3*(y+x)^3)+x^(1+a)/(1+a) = %c;
In the algorithm I manage to get the left hand side of sol [well, actually I get factor(ratsimp(sol))]. I do not know beforehand that the solution should remain in implicit form, although you can rewrite the solution as y(x)=(..) . I then do
After a couple of minutes it starts returning an answer and it takes 10 minutes to output the answer.
Yesterday I tried it with emacs+maxima and I never got any answer returned, this is with xmaxima.
Actually, maple finds the 3 compact explicit solutions of the above equation, and when you solve the original ode, it knows that the implicit form is somehow more appropriate to return (it returns sol instead of the result of solve(sol,y)).
Instead of killing solve after x minutes, is there a way to improve the result of solve, or a way of determining beforehand that going for an explicit solution of sol might be a bad idea?
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