On 1/27/10, Richard Fateman <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> It is certainly possible to do this in some particular lisps, but it may not
> be possible to
> do this in EVERY lisp, and certainly not using the same code in each lisp.
> But you are asking for the wrong thing, in my opinion. Why not
> run_with_limits( ----ANY maxima command---, time_limit=...,
> memory_limit= ...., .....)
As you know, I am very much not a Lisp expert :) Is this a standard
builtin in Maxima (I assume not), or are you suggesting that one might
want to implement this in lisps which can do so?
The reason I ask about it here is because some of the solve-related
commands (algsys I think sometimes is a culprit) seem to have this
happen more often than others in Maxima, despite apparently having
limits on recursive calls; I haven't experienced this as much
elsewhere. Obviously having (customizable) limits on recursion that
work reliably would also solve this.