Hi all,
I think there is no check for the exponent being an integer in ratlim and/or friends. If you checked for that you could
eliminate some infinity's and get a signed inf or minf which would be better.
Barton said.
I know little to nothing about the limit code; nevertheless, how about:
(setf (get '%signum 'simplim%function) 'simplim%signum)
(defun simplim%signum (e x pt)
(let ((sgn))
(setq e (limit (cadr e) x pt 'think))
(setq sgn ($csign e))
(cond ((eq sgn '$zero) '$ind)
((memq sgn '($neg $pn $pos))
(take '(%signum) e)) ;; OK, this does sign(e) twice,...
(t (throw 'limit ())))))
(%i2) limit(signum(x^2-3),x,5);
(%o2) 1
(%i3) limit(signum(x),x,a);
(%o3) 'limit(signum(x+a),x,0)
(%i4) assume(a > 0);
(%o4) [a > 0]
(%i5) limit(signum(x),x,a);
(%o5) 1
(%i6) limit(signum(x^3-1),x,inf);
(%o6) 1
(%i7) limit(signum(x^3-7),x,minf);
(%o7) -1
(%i8) limit(x * signum(x),x,0);
(%o8) 0