
On 01/28/2010 06:44 PM, Richard Hennessy wrote:
> I think this is a bug after reading your detailed explanation.  The 
> boundary of the limit f(x) as x-> a is not the same as the value f(a) 
> in limits.  So limit(log(x),x,0) = minf.
> $infinity means complex infinity which is not correct.  The answer is 
> real minf.
> Rich
> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Sheldon Newhouse <sen1 at 
> <mailto:sen1 at>> wrote:
>     On 01/26/2010 01:49 PM, Raymond Toy wrote:
>         What is limit(log(x),x,0)?  Maxima currently returns infinity.  I
>         suppose that's correct, but with a default domain of real,
>         shouldn't
>         this be undefined?
>         Ray
>         _______________________________________________
>         Maxima mailing list
>         Maxima at <mailto:Maxima at>
>     Read your mail more closely this time, so here is a more detailed
>     discussion.
>     The limit of a function defined on a set A could be defined for
>     points x in A or also for points x in the boundary of A.
>      Suppose f is defined from a set A to a set B.  One needs some
>     notion of closeness of points in A and B.  This is usually defined
>     by means of a metric (or distance function) or a topology.
>      To stay with the log function, let us assume that we are dealing
>     with A, B subsets of the real numbers.
>      Intuitively, the concept
>       lim(f(x), x, a) = b should mean that as
>        x approaches a and x is in A, then f(x) approaches b.
>      The object b need not be in B, it could be in the boundary of B
>     if B is in some larger set for which the boundary is defined.
>      In the case of plus or minus infinity, one defines the set of
>     extended real numbers bar{R} which is R union {-infinity, +infinity}.
>      The precise definition of
>        limit(f(x),x->a) = -infinity is that
>       for a point a in the boundary of A (the domain of f) and
>       for any real number K  there is a neighborhood U of a such that
>     if x is in U intesect A, then f(x) < K.
>      So, you see that with this definition,  limit(log(x),x->0) =
>     -infinity
>       Similarly, one can define  limit(f(x), x->a) = infinity by
>     repacing "f(x) < K" with "f(x) > K".
>     HTH,
>      -sen
>     _______________________________________________
>     Maxima mailing list
>     Maxima at <mailto:Maxima at>
I did not know there was a "minf".
  So, yes, assuming that "log(x)" is the log of the real positive number 
x, then
   limit(log(x),x,0) = minf.

The same bug propagates to some, but not all functions.

(%i1) display2d: false;

(%o1) false
(%i2) limit((1-x)*log(x),x,0);

(%o2) infinity
(%i3) limit(cos(x)*log(x),x,0);

(%o3) minf
