Building Maxima on Ubuntu running in Sun Virtual Box

On 2/13/10 9:14 PM, Richard Hennessy wrote:
> Thanks for your reply and others.
> I am interested in building Maxima from source so I can add more
> memory to it.  It seems that the Windows version does not allow you to
> change the memory allocated.  If I am wrong about that then I would
> build it on Windows.
I'm pretty sure Maxima has no limits on memory usage.  If there are
limits, it is from the underlying Lisp.  It sounds like you're using gcl
on Windows.  Perhaps you can try ccl ( or maybe
clisp.  I know Maxima works fine with ccl on Mac OS X.  It probably
works fine on Windows too.  (I've never tried Maxima on windows, so I
don't know the state of Maxima and Lisp on Windows.)
